Dispensation has been extended from the obligation of attending Mass on Sunday for everyone in the Diocese of Corpus Christi through the month of August. So if you cautiously choose to stay home we will continue to have all Masses livestreamed. If you choose to attend Mass please read through all guidelines listed.
If you are symptomatic or have been exposed to another with the virus within 14 days you are not permitted to enter the church. Those planning on attending Mass are encouraged to take their temperature at home before coming to church.
All who enter must enter through the main east side entrance.
All who enter church are encouraged to wear a mask
As you enter the church please make use of the automatic hand sanitizers.
Due to social distancing requirements, you will need to sit on designated pews. No more than 3 or 4 people per pew.
Bathrooms will be locked and not available for use
Once we reach 25% capacity (100 people) we will not permit anyone else to enter
Social distancing must be observed when receiving communion. Ushers will assist you. Please follow their instructions.
Distribution of Holy Communion will be done by Fr. Naul. It is encouraged that you receive communion in the hand.
We thank you for helping us meet the rules and regulations set forth by our local and state government and Diocesan guidelines. Please continue to pray for an end to this pandemic.